OUR VISION IS - TO BUILD AND INFORM A UNITED, ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE AND THRIVING SEAFOOD INDUSTRY VALUED BY VICTORIAN COMMUNITIES. SIV celebrates the contribution of the seafood industry to Victorian communities, because Victorian harvested seafood is:
Managed in an ecological sustainable way using environmentally responsible practices
The source of local, fresh and healthy seafood in Victoria
Important to the economic and social viability of Victorian coastal communities
Seafood Industry Victoria's strategic framework provides a dynamic tool that allows us to respond to changing conditions. The strategy in action approach allows risks and opportunities to be continually assessed, and recognises where there is a need to adjust approaches or directions to achieve better results for industry. SIV's strategic plan provides a basis from which the organisation can focus on the highest priority of the time and ensure that we representing our members interests.
Click HERE to see SIV's current Strategic Framework.
SIV'S policies
The SIV Board is in the process of developing policies to communicate our position on issues impacting Victoria's commercial seafood industry. SIV understands that industry priorities are continually changing and therefore policies will be updated over time as required. Please access latest policy documents via the links below.
SIV's membership base includes associations or businesses that have a material interest in Victoria's seafood industry. All commercial fishing licence holders (other than abalone) are members of SIV.
SIV's Voting Members include: Abalone Council Victoria Apollo Bay Fishermen’s Co-op Atlantis Fishing Consulting Group Corner Inlet Fisheries Habitat Association Lakes Entrance Fishermen’s Co-op Longreach Maris Melbourne Seafood Centre San Remo Fisherman's Co-op SeaGen Aquaculture Southern Ocean Mariculture Victoria Seafood Yumbah Narrawong SIV's Associate Members include: Victorian Sea Urchin Divers Association Victorian Food and Marketing Association
siv Staff
Matthew Wassnig, Chief Executive Officer Matthew is a passionate member of the seafood industry who has enjoyed a unique career spanning several sectors. He has proven skills in research, advocacy, management, business strategy, sales and marketing. Matthew holds a Science Degree majoring in marine biology, and a PhD in the field of aquaculture. For 10 years prior to joining SIV, Matthew focused on commercial roles aimed at increasing awareness and consumption of responsibly sourced seafood.
Joeanne Tripylas, Administration officer Joeanne is a long standing employee of SIV and provides a high level of administrative support to the SIV office. She has witnessed many changes across Victoria’s seafood industry during her time with the organisation. Joeanne has a wealth of knowledge and is the first point of contact for those desiring to know more about Victorian seafood.
Samantha Perion, Communications and Promotions Coordinator Samantha has an extensive background in marketing and business development in various industries. Her entrepreneurial and go-getter attitude has allowed her to add value in growing engagement for the businesses and organisations she has been involved with. After reflection on her values and goals, Samantha was determined to work in a sector that supports local communities and individuals to strive for better economies and ways of living.
Siv Board
Seafood Industry Victoria’s Board is comprised of a Chairperson and maximum of 11 Directors of whom:
Up to 7 Directors may be elected by SIV members. Where there are vacancies preceding an AGM, the SIV Board may provide recommendations in the call for nominations based on achieving representation across:
a broad range of industry sectors
geographic regions of Victoria
the breadth of the supply chain
a matrix of skills, knowledge and experience
Up to 4 Directors may be appointed by the Board, who must each be independent, i.e. with no material interest, position, association or relationship with an entity who is a SIV member.
Current Directors: Roland Roccioletti - Independent Chair Barbara Konstas - Industry Director Tim Rudge - Industry Director Luke Anedda - Industry Director Travis Baulch - Industry Director Maria Manias - Industry Director Wayne Dredge - Industry Director Wolfgang Platzer - Industry Director Anthony Mutton - Independent Director Graeme Longmuir - Independent Director Sam Allan - Independent Director